Upcoming enhancements:
Revised linking and logos on new Publication Finder (A-Z Journals) interface (Nov 2023)
A new version of the Publication Finder interface was rolled out in August. We are applying alterations to branding and including direct linking to the related Hub instance for each organisation.
Recent enhancements:
Tweak to the wording on the placards in the Hub for the Royal Marsden Manual and the Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines (Nov 2023)
The wording has been changed from "searching for" to "Click to access" to make it clearer to users that they can click on the links in the placards to go directly to those resources.
Improved linking messages in LibKey for articles from Unpaywall (Nov 2023)
An issue was identified where Third Iron Libkey.io was locating a link via Unpaywall but indicated that it was “incorrect or it is not part of the LibKey System”. This sent mixed messages for what was generally a functional link. Options for requesting the article were also not present. A revised presentation pulls the article details from CrossRef and makes clear that the links are from Unpaywall. This results in a much clearer link. The all content access options button also appears.
"Browse Journals" link in the Hub top menu now updated (October 2023)
We spotted that the Browse Journals link was to an unsecure version of Browzine - this has now been updated for all Hub instances.
Improving the hover-over (alt text) on the "bottom branding" links in the Hub (June 2023)
Following some user research, and in consultation with members of the Knowledge Hub Community of Practice, we're changing the hover-over text for each of the links in the bottom branding section of your Hub home page. This is to provide more context-specific help about what the resources are - it will appear when someone puts their mouse over a link.
This work is being rolled out throughout June.
Additional "bottom branding" links (June 2023)
We are adding a link for all instances to the new Critical Appraisal elearning module, the OUP ebook hub, and our information for advanced searchers page. We're also updating the links to grey literature resources.
Extended time-out period for ProQuest databases (May 2023)
The ProQuest product team have extended the database time-out period to 2 hours for all NHS users. If you find that you are timed out more quickly, please raise a ticket via the Service Desk.
Improved visibility of BMJ Best Practice in the Knowledge and Library Hub (22.05.23)
BMJ Best Practice is a key, national resource for rapid answers to clinical questions so we are keen to ensure that its contents are clearly visible in Knowledge Hub results.
A new search placard went live on 22 May 2023. It has been designed to appear when there is a topic match in BMJ Best Practice. It will offer links to up to five potential topics and the means to immediately rerun your search in the tool itself. All the links carry through logged in status or request it enroute (including for those not using OpenAthens).
The placard will appear alongside the similar element for DynaMed if you have a local subscription.
Change to visibility of selected resources in the Knowledge and Library Hub (21.04.23)
Since the launch of the NHS Knowledge and Library Hub we have had the benefit of nearly all records retrieved being fully visible before your users need to login. Unfortunately, there is a requirement due to licensing that some records are not visible to guest users. Records will still be retrieved as before but a placeholder will be displayed rather than the full bibliographic details if you are not logged in.
This change was made for CINAHL records around Friday 21st April. Please encourage your users to log in at the start of a Hub session, in order for them to get the best experience.
Royal Marsden Manual - procedure-level discovery in the Hub (April 2023)
We have now implemented procedure-level discovery via the NHS Knowledge Hub for the Royal Marsden Manual . This means that individual procedures from within the manual will show up as separate results within the Hub, with a new link to take you to the full text, eg:

Royal Marsden Manual placard (13.03.23)
Additional terms have been added that will bring up the RMM placard at the top of your search results (making it easier to find the RMM):
The placard should also now appear if you select "The Royal Marsden Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures" as a suggested publication when entering your search terms.
- Links to BNF/BNFc and CKS (17.04.23)
Many library services have requested changes to their Hub instance's bottom branding (ie the lists of resources below the search box). For those who just have the standard set of links, the template has now been updated to include links to the BNF and BNFc, and CKS.
New titles added to the national OUP collection (18.04.23)
18 additional titles have been added to our collection of Oxford University Press books. You can access the new titles along with the rest of the collection through the NHS-OUP landing page. You can also download a list of the new titles including Wayfless URLs.
For most instances of the NHS Knowledge and Library Hub, the new content is also now linked through the NHS-OUP package – the main exception to this is ‘Oxford Clinical Guidelines: Newly Qualified Doctors’ which has been very recently published. This will be linked in due course.
Check you have the correct NHS-OUP package switched on in HLM.
MARC records will follow in the next few weeks – we will let you know when they are available.
Oxford Academic widget button (02.03.23)
The widget button has now been updated, so it carries your search terms across to the Oxford Academic site.
Logging in to the hub (24.02.23)
EBSCO have made an enhancement to the hub, so that once you log in via the yellow bar at the top of the page, the option to sign-in disappears (this used to remain even once you had logged in, which was potentially confusing).
BMJ Leader (06.01.23)
BMJ Leader is now fully included in the indexes for the Hub, so all articles from Volume 1 are findable.
The title is available (with an embargo period) for all, via the Health Research Premium Collection.
Findability of HSJ in Browzine (20.12.22)
Third Iron have changed the name of Health Service Journal to Health Service Journal (HSJ) in their products, so if you will now find it in Browzine if you search for just HSJ.
Directory of Open Access Books
Links have been added at title level, to make them easier to get to the full text (they were previously hidden in the full record).
BMJ Holdings
These have now been corrected for everyone, so your holdings for the BMJ titles in HLM should now be correct.
Publication Finder
If you use Publication Finder, you should now find that the dates are in UK formats.
The default search has now been changed from ANY to CONTAINS (ie, an OR search to an AND search), so that if you enter more than 1 term, it's automatically searching for them all as an AND search.
BMJ Best Practice (12.07.22)
The database in EDS has now been improved, so it points to the UK version of BMJ Best Practice, with updated links
Improving the user journey to print journals (21.03.22)
We've add new information to our FAQs about how to improve this: How can I improve the display of print journals in the Knowledge and Library Hub?